
>> Is the original r.in.wms also not working for you, or did
>> you just want to try out the new & improved version? 

> Unfortunately I cannot get it to work. For example, attempting
> to connect to the following URL gives the following error on
> attempting to connect:
> http://neowms.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/wms/wms?
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/usr/lib/grass64/etc/wxpython/modules/ogc_services.py",
> line 196, in OnConnect
> if 'style' not in layers[lastLayer]:
> KeyError
> :
> ''
> I tested the URL in QGIS and the server is active.

that's an error in the 6.4 wxGUI front-end. Can you try to build
the latest 6.4.3svn from source and see if it still breaks?
(the old version did not gracefully handle the `xml2` parser
program being missing, but now it tells you about it in an error
message instead of failing with the traceback)

But I'm wondering if the r.in.wms(.sh) shell script that comes
default with GRASS 6.4.svn is working for you or not. It works
for me from the 6.4 command line (nicer with xml2 installed),

  r.in.wms -l maps="http://neowms.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/wms/wms?"; out=dummy

note you'll get an error message at the start since their server
doesn't support http POST, but it automatically fails-over to the
GET method and tries again. you could use the -g flag for that:
  -g   Use GET method instead of POST data method
        This may be needed to connect to servers which lack POST capability
and avoid the warning/save one second or two.

and/or install `xml2` and the GUI version should start working.


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