Hi Anna:

On 7/12/2013 10:00 AM, Anna Petrášová wrote:

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 2:31 PM, Micha Silver <mi...@arava.co.il> wrote:
Hello all:
I'm working on a flood inundation presentation. I need to show a 3D representation of an ortho-photo image with the predicted flood area draped over the ortho-photo.
When I first run:

m.nviz.image --o elevation_map=dtm color_map=ortho_eilat resolution_fine=2 height=1000 perspective=20 position=0.6,0.95 output=dtmp zexag=4
I get:
ERROR: Inconsistent number of attributes (<vpoint> 0: <vpoint_position> 3)

Sorry, this is a bug. It should be fixed in r57072.

Good, thanks.

so I specified both:
     vpoint_position="" vpoint_layer=""

Now I get a nice looking 3D of the ortho-photo. But when I try to add another raster, i.e.:

no matter what combination of additional parameters I try, I always get:

ERROR: Inconsistent number of attributes (<elevation_map/elevation_value>
       1: <color_map> 2, <color> 0)

Any tips on how this should be specified??

If you want to add more raster maps (surfaces) you have to specify it in elevation_map parameter. If you want different color map, specify it in color_map but keep in mind that the number of maps in elevation_map and color_map should be the same (if you don't use elevation_value for creating plane and color for RGB color). In your case I am not sure what you are trying to achieve but try:

 ...elevation_map=dtm,dtmp_nn color_map=ortho_eilat,dtmp_nn

Yes, that did it.
I could not find in the docs any reference to multiple maps as "elevation_map" and it was not at all intuitive for me. From the parameter names, "color_map" and "elevation_map" I understood that the elevation_map should be the one (and only) dem. And overlayed color maps would be in the "color_map" parameter. But I see I misunderstood.

I'll gladly improve the wiki (or man page) if I could get more information about this module. Is there any better documentation anywhere? For example, why is it necessary that the number of "elevation_maps" be the same as "color_maps"??

Hope this helps,

Micha Silver
GIS Consulting

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