Actually they work just fine on linux Ubuntu (instruction in the regular 
download, no need to compile) even LASview... but I was under the impression 
Luis had access to a windows machine anyway so OS wasn't the problem.

Haven't tried LAStools on Mac...

> From: Michael Barton <>
>To: "<>" <> 
>Cc: Rebecca Bennett <>; Luis Ramirez 
>Sent: Tuesday, 27 August 2013, 15:24
>Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] v.lidar.edgedetection, and 
>visualization issues
>Unfortunately the full set of LAS tools only works in Windows.  
>FWIW, I've built them into my Mac GRASS binaries (i.e., the ones that are open 
>source) so that you can use both.
>C. Michael Barton 
>Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
>Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
>Arizona State University
>Tempe, AZ  85287-2402
>voice: 480-965-6262 (SHESC), 480-965-8130/727-9746 (CSDC)
>fax:          480-965-7671(SHESC), 480-727-0709 (CSDC)
>On Aug 27, 2013, at 12:00 PM, <>
> wrote:
>From: Rebecca Bennett <>
>>Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] v.lidar.edgedetection, and 
>>visualization issues
>>Date: August 27, 2013 6:02:20 AM MST
>>To: "" <>
>>Reply-To: Rebecca Bennett <>
>>Hello Luis,
>>I'm about to commit a sacrilegious act on the GRASS-user list but it would 
>>seem that Martin Isenburg's LAStools software is more appropriate for this 
>>stage of your lidar processing.
>>My workflow is to do the tasks you mention below (including the point cloud 
>>visualization and DEM generation) in LAStools and then import the DEM / DTM 
>>to GRASS for all subsequent processing.
>>Rebecca Bennett
>>Postdoctoral Associate, Wired! Group
>>Department of Art, Art History and Visual Studies
>>Duke University, Durham, NC
>>> From: Luis Ramirez <>
>>>Sent: Monday, 26 August 2013, 9:03
>>>Subject: [GRASS-user] v.lidar.edgedetection, and 
>>>visualization issues
>>>Hi there,
>>>I´m being working with Grass Gis just for few weeks. I´m trying to 
>>>generate a dsm and dtm from LIDAR data. I imported my data as LAS and i 
>>>was following the steps explained in the Grass Gis Book of neteler and 
>>>mitasova. However, I'am having some problems that are transforming an 
>>>easy task into a time-consuming-nightmare. the first thing that I do not 
>>>understand is why v.lidar.edgedetection works under Grass Gis 6.4. and 7 
>>>instaled in a Virtual machine with Ubuntu but not in Grass Gis 6.4. and 
>>>7 in a windows 7 Computer. after calculating the first two regions (from 
>>>9) it crashes. I tried to increment the parameters "see" and "sen" up to 
>>>the value 10. it is able to calculate a bit more but it still craches. 
>>>after googleing it i Just get information about a bug detected in 2006. 
>>>I would really apreciate to be able to run this module in a windows 7 
>>>computer. do you maybe have a clue?
>>>the second issue is related to I am using a very small 
>>>map of 1km2 with 118798 points for testing (the goal is to use the 
>>>procedure for a map at least 20 times larger than this one). However, 
>>>Grass Gis 6.4 and 7 (for Ubuntu and For Windows) show me a warning 
>>>message. it says that it could take too long depending on the amount of 
>>>points. I already tried with different values for the parameters" sie" 
>>>and "sin" but it doesnt get any better. I just left the computer 
>>>calculating for few hours but I´m not really getting any result. do 
>>>anyone have an Idea what I´m doing wrong?
>>>Finally, I´m being trying to get a 3D visualization of the points but 
>>>both the monitors of the GUI and the wxs ended up crashing before I can 
>>>see a thing. is that a known problem? there is any known reason for such 
>>>a problem or even better, a solution or an alternative?
>>>Thank you in advance!
>>>grass-user mailing list
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