Hi Markus,

On 10/17/2013 09:03 PM, Markus Neteler wrote:
I have fixed the Makefile of v.krige for this. Should be fine as of r58031.

Please try again
g.extension v.krige

(and let us know)

thank you, very much now g.extension v.krige works fine!
But when I try
I have this error:

/Loading packages, please wait...//
//Attaching package: ‘XML’//
//The following object(s) are masked from ‘package:tools’://
//    toHTML//
//GRASS GIS interface loaded with GRASS version: GRASS 6.4.3 (2013) //
//and location: wgs84//
//Checking rgeos availability: TRUE//
//Traceback (most recent call last)://
//  File "/home/ale/.grass6/addons/v.krige", line 422, in <module>//
//    main()//
//  File "/home/ale/.grass6/addons/v.krige", line 309, in main//
//    import globalvar//
//ImportError: No module named globalvar//
I'm still using GRASS 6.4.3. Should I try to use GRASS 7 in trunk?
Thanks again

Alessandro Sarretta

e-mail: alessandro.sarre...@gmail.com
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