Dear Glynn,

When you said:
GRASS won't allow you to select a mapset as the current mapset unless
you are the owner of the mapset directory.

How can I change the "owner of a mapset directory"?

On 12-11-2013 14:46, Glynn Clements wrote:
António Rocha wrote:

I have a Location and Mapset in a folder in Linux Server that was
created by me and I runned some scripts and created some maps etc. I
have a colleague that is trying enter in the mapset and it gets
Permission Denied. How can I allow her to access the mapset without any
You can "access" any mapset provided that you have the relevant
permissions (read permission for files, read and execute permission
for directories).

GRASS won't allow you to select a mapset as the current mapset unless
you are the owner of the mapset directory.

If you just need to access maps from a particular mapset, you can add
the mapset to the search path with g.mapset, or reference maps using
fully-qualified names (map@mapset format).

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