Hi List,

I'm having trouble importing a shapefile with v.in.ogr that has some
accented characters (like não, rodoviária).
The shapefile opend fine in QGIS and I can open the dbf on libreoffice,
setting the encoding to (windows-1252/winlatin 1).
I imported the shapefile and if I run v.db.select or if I open the
attribute data, accented characters are messed up. However, when I try to
query the layer, an error message (png attached) will show telling me to
check database settings and then gives me the reason for the failure. I can
then see that the queried attributes in this windows all have the accented

Has anyone had any luck with accented characters in v.in.ogr? I tried
changing the encoding option in v.in.ogr but could not get it to work.
I'm using grass7 from OSGeo4Win. Attached is the shapefile that I'm trying
to import.


Attachment: pontes.7z
Description: Binary data

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