Hi Johannes,

For more complex network analysis I can warmly recommend the igraph package 
(http://igraph.org/, which has both Python and R bindings).
It comes very handy for customized network analysis, is not too complicated to 
learn, well documented and quite efficient.
I could provide you with some sample code in R if that would be of interest.


From: grass-user-boun...@lists.osgeo.org 
[mailto:grass-user-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Johannes Radinger
Sent: 18. mars 2015 10:30
To: GRASS user list
Subject: [GRASS-user] Stream order for vector networks


I am interested in calculating stream order (Strahler, Shreve) for stream 
networks based on GRASS vector networks (e.g. created by v.net<http://v.net>) 
without using the raster approach of the GRASS add-on r.stream.order. 
Therefore, I came across following paper:

Gleyzer, A., Denisyuk, M., Rimmer, A. and Salingar, Y. (2004), A FAST RECURSIVE 
NETWORKS. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 40: 
937–946. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2004.tb01057.x

which also provides pseudocode to calculate Strahler order for non-braided and 
braided vector networks defined by arcs and nodes. Thus, I am wondering if it 
is possible to get the information from which node a specific arc starts 
(from_node) and where it drains to (to_node). BTW, I seems some kind of this 
information is already provided with the NC-dataset (FNODE_ and TNODE column) 
in the streams attribute table, however I don't know where this information 
comes from. Of course to extract this information the network needs to be 
directed to define what is the upstream and what the downstream node of each 
arc. However, having this information available, it should not be to 
complicated to apply the algorithm proposed by Gleyzer et al 2004. Thus I am 
interested to get 'from_node' and 'to_node' information e.g. stored in the 
attribute table of v.net<http://v.net> output?

Here the pseudocode provided by Gleyzer et al 2004:

1 for each Arc ∈ Network
2 do FromNodesPerArc[Arc's ID] ← Arc’s FromNodeID
3 InflowingArcsPerNode[Arc's ToNodeID] ← InflowingArcsPerNode[Arc’s ToNodeID] ∪ 
Arc’s ID
4 OriginatingNode[Arc's ID] ← Arc’s FromNodeID

1 Visited[ArcID] ← true
2 if | InflowingArcsPerNode[ FromNodesPerArc[ArcID] ] | = 0
3 then StreamOrders[ArcID] ← 1
4 else
5 for each Arc ∈ InflowingArcsPerNode[ FromNodesPerArc[ArcID] ]
6 do if not Visited[Arc]
7 then UpstreamOrders[Arc] ← (StreamOrdering(Arc), OriginatingNode[Arc])
8 else UpstreamOrders[Arc] ← (StreamOrders[Arc], OriginatingNode[Arc])
9 MaxOrder ← 0
10 MaxOrderCount ← 0
11 for each (Order, Origin) ∈ UpstreamOrders
12 do if Order > MaxOrder
13 then MaxOrder ← Order
14 MaxOrderCount ← 1
15 MaxOrderOrigin ← Origin
16 else if Order = MaxOrder
17 then if Origin ≠ MaxOrderOrigin
18 then MaxOrderCount ← MaxOrderCount + 1
19 if MaxOrderCount > 1
20 then StreamOrders[ArcID] ← MaxOrder + 1
21 OriginatingNode[ArcID] ← FromNodesPerArc[ArcID]
22 else StreamOrders[ArcID] ← MaxOrder
23 OriginatingNode[ArcID] ← MaxOrderOrigin
24 if SegmentIDsPerOriginatingNode[ OriginatingNode[ArcID] ] = nil
25 then SegmentIDs[ StreamOrders[ArcID] ] ← SegmentIDs[ StreamOrders[ArcID] ] + 
26 SegmentIDsPerOriginatingNode[ OriginatingNode[ArcID] ] ← SegmentIDs[ 
StreamOrders[ArcID] ]
27 Segments[ArcID] ← SegmentIDsPerOriginatingNode[ OriginatingNode[ArcID] ]
28 return StreamOrders[ArcID]

Is there anyone having experience with that, or has already tried to implement 
a vector-stream order approach in GRASS GIS. Specifically I am interested
in Shreve stream order for simple (non-braided) stream networks and Strahler 
stream order for braided river networks (Gleyzer et al 2004).

Best regards,
grass-user mailing list

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