On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 4:40 PM, patrick s. <patrick_...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to run v.neighbors on multiple datasets for the identic region
> (extend and resolution).  One dataset has observations outside of this
> region, and causes an error: "ERROR: Input vector and computational region
> do not overlap." However, viewing the extend in v.info and r.info (see
> below) and overlaying the layers in the GUI, I see overlaps for 90% of my
> points. Is this expected behavior or do I miss something? (GRASS70 from
> Repos, OS:Ubuntu 15.04)
> #Code
> r.in.gdal in="./00_REFERENCE/reference_map.tif" out=region_ref --o
> g.region rast=region_ref

Just to be sure, please post

g.region raster=region_ref -p

I generated a location with epsg:2056 (is that the right one for
CH_1903+ ?) and there is indeed map overlap.
But just to be sure that the computational region is right, too.

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