On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 4:56 PM, patrick s. <patrick_...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Thank you Stefan and Markus!
> Had to finish a current a running process first, before being able to test
> your proposal. Dbf-driver still very slow (same speed after reboot),

Sure, it is still the same driver... :)

> but
> with sqlite I can write approx 200.000points in 3 Minutes. So only option
> for me sqlite.

Excellent. That's why it became the default in GRASS 7.

> However, I was surprised that GRASS70 was running with dbf. while it should
> be sqlite by default.

It is.
But if the location had been generated with GRASS 6, then DBF remains
as before unless you run the earlier indicated update procedure.

> My workspace of GRASS is used by GRASS64 and GRASS70.
> As I could not convert all our code to 7.0, I need to have the option of
> running 6.4 OR 7.0. The worksapce is emptied at the beginning of each
> skript, so that I never rebuilt the topology. Is it for that reason that
> GRASS70 runs/changes to dbf?

You simply need to switch to the SQLite driver by

# define new default DB connection (switch from DBF to SQLite)
db.connect -d


That's fine also for GRASS 6.

Concerning the vector geometry: in order to switch back and forth
between G6 and G7, you need to rebuild the topology using

# first rebuild topology for all vector maps in current mapset

which is available in both G6 and G7.

Hope this helps,
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