
I've written a python script to generate an image combining a vector map (myvector) and a raster (myraster) that has been generated using a mask. It works great by default and creates an image with the default dimensions 640x480 on a white background.

gscript.run_command('d.mon', overwrite=True, start='png', output=filename) gscript.run_command('d.rast', map='{0}@{1}'.format(myraster, self.mapset)) gscript.run_command('d.vect', map='{0}@{1}'.format(myvector, self.mapset), color='white', fill_color='none')
        gscript.run_command('d.mon', stop="png")

I would like to have a transparent background and to change the dimensions of the image to 1280x960. Reading the documentation I had the impression that I just have to modify some variables, but it does not work.

        os.environ['GRASS_TRANSPARENT'] = 'TRUE'
        os.environ['GRASS_WIDTH'] = str(1280)
        os.environ['GRASS_HEIGHT'] = str(960)
gscript.run_command('d.mon', overwrite=True, start='png', output=filename) gscript.run_command('d.rast', map='{0}@{1}'.format(myraster, self.mapset)) gscript.run_command('d.vect', map='{0}@{1}'.format(myvector, self.mapset), color='white', fill_color='none')
        gscript.run_command('d.mon', stop="png")

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Jean Pierre Huart

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