> From: grass-user [mailto:grass-user-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of 
> Paul Meems

Depends on several things, e.g

-        do polygons overlap or not,

-        do “height maps” overlap or not?

-        What are the “several commands” you need to be performed

On the basis of the information you provided I would have a look at

-        gdalbuildvrt for merging your “height map” tiles

-        import PostGIS polygon table to GRASS

-        convert to raster using v.to.rast and assign ID to each raster 
representation of your polygons

-        calculate statistics using either

o   r.stats

o   r.univar
to create CSV files, which can be read back to PostGIS (COPY command) and then 
joined to your original map using ID field

I would not consider WCS / GeoServer, that gives you only overhead and extra 

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