Le 12 octobre 2016 06:43:17 GMT+02:00, NASAHARA Kenlo <24dake...@gmail.com> a 
écrit :
>Dear GRASS people
>I am using GRASS 7.0.4 on Ubuntu 14.04.
>I am trying to display a DSM map (ALOS AW3D) 
>whose null value covers ocean. I use an original
>color table like this:
>GRASS 7.0.4 (latlon):~/ > cat color_DSM.txt 
>-1000 black
>0     black
>100   white
>1000 white
>nv blue
>By running the following commands,
>GRASS 7.0.4 (latlon):~/ > d.mon start=wx0
>GRASS 7.0.4 (latlon):~/ > r.colors map=DSM rules=color_DSM.txt 
>Color table for raster map <DSM> set to 'color_DSM.txt'
>GRASS 7.0.4 (latlon):~/ > d.rast DSM
>I got the wx0 window with a greyscale topography as expected,
>but the ocean looks wite, not blue!
>I checked that the ocean was certainly covered by NULL (no value)
>by d.what.rast command and mouse clicks. I also checked the 
>file containing the color table info: ~/latlon/PERMANENT/colr/DSM
>% -1000 1000
>-1000:0 0:0
>0:0 100:255
>100:255 1000:255
>which looks OK for nv line.
>Do you know the reason? If you do, please help me!

Try d.rast with the -n flag.


>Kenlo Nishida Nasahara
>Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
>University of Tsukuba, Japan 305-8572
>grass-user mailing list

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