On 06/12/16 23:42, Martin Landa wrote:

2016-12-06 23:28 GMT+01:00 john polo <jp...@mail.usf.edu>:
I downloaded GRASS 7.2 and installed. The download came from this link:

As GRASS was installing, Microsoft Security Essentials said that it detected
a trojan called Peals.A!cl. This trojan was found in GRASS GIS
7.2.0RC2\bin\v.in.dxf.exe, ...\v.net.iso.exe, and ... \v.out.dxf.exe. Can

ah, these Windows. I tested binaries on build server with Esset
Endpoint Antivirus and nothing is found. So I hope it's mistake of

anyone confirm if this is a legitimate threat or was M.S.E. just acting
buggy? Is there an MD5 or something to check the file?

On [1] I see:

"NOTE: On December 6, 2016, an incorrect detection for our cloud-based protection for Trojan:Win32/Peals.A!cl was identified and immediately fixed. To ensure that this issue is remediated, you can do a forced daily update to download your Microsoft antimalware and antispyware software. For details, see Updating your Microsoft antimalware and antispyware software."

John, could you try to update and then check again ?


[1] https://www.microsoft.com/security/portal/threat/encyclopedia/entry.aspx?Name=Trojan%3AWin32%2FPeals.A!plock&ThreatID=-2147276824

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