I think I found one of my problems working with the data and why it was lining 
up ... in Excel, if you use a space delimiter, the text-to-columns treats 
consecutive spaces as one ... you need to disable that (a checkbox).  That 
still doesn't fix the scientific notation issue, but the process I'm using now 
seems to work.



From: Bartolomei.Chris
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 10:39 AM
To: Micha Silver; grass-user
Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] r.out.ascii not functioning for floating point values

Good (morning?) Micha  :)

r.out.ascii dumps the values, not the x,y locations - that is r.out.xyz ... and 
r.out.ascii is indeed generating the scientific notation - I've pulled the 
output file up in Notepad++ to view the raw data and here's what I see for rows 
with data values (a snippet):


and here's what I see for rows with no data (also a snippet):


Note that 1) there is no way to turn scientific notation off (these are mean 
monthly temperatures so the values are <100 and 2 decimal places) and 2) there 
is nothing separating the values generated 3) This does not happen if the 
values are integers

Testing this morning:

If I do not use the MODFLOW checkbox, then this is what I get for no data rows:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

and this is what I get for rows with values:

-42.3 -42.3 -41.2 -41.2 -43.5 -43.5

but the number of values in each row vary from .... awww man .... wtf?  I just 
reran this without the MODFLOW check box and now the data all lines up 
correctly ... that is weird (but good news!)

stay tuned - I'll repost more if this messes up again. My guess is that the 
module remembered a setting of something from the numerous times I tried 
different values.  When in doubt, reboot, right?

Here's what I just ran in case anyone else needs the settings:

r.out.ascii -h --overwrite input=AirTemp_Test2@Zoonotic 
output=D:\air_temp_2014\Test3 precision=3 (note I did not set the width value 
Wow - that was really really strange. Well - I'm not going to kick good news 
around - the issue with MODFLOW and floating point values should still be 
looked at though. I reran the MODFLOW option this morning as well and I get the 
same results as described above.


Chris Bartolomei P.E.

From: Micha Silver <tsvi...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 9:52 AM
To: Bartolomei.Chris; grass-user
Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] r.out.ascii not functioning for floating point values

Hello Chris

What is it that you're trying to do in Excel?? Chances are that you can do any 
analysis you want right in the GIS.

The scientific notation is surely from Excel, r.out.ascii just dumps a list of 
three numbers: x,y, and raster values. All in straight ascii.

On 01/20/2017 01:24 PM, Bartolomei.Chris wrote:

I am using GRASS GIS 7.2 on a Windows 10 system with 32Gb ram. OSGEO4W 
distribution (with msys)

The region is lat/lon (-180 to 180, 90 to -90) and the resolution NS is 00:15 
and EW is 00:15

I am trying to export a raster into a grid (array) that I can use in Excel but 
am getting unusable output ... Here's what I do:

I create a text file in Excel with the data (University of Delaware - Global 
Monthly Mean Temperatures, 2014, using April) and add the header rows:

ncols 720
nrows 360
xllcorner -180
yllcorner -90
cellsize .50
nodata_value -99999
each cell has some value in it, if it isn't "-99999" then it is a floating 
point number (signed, 2 decimal places)

I save it as a space-sparated text file with a .asc extension

I import the raster using r.in.arc (r.in.arc input=AirTemp_Test2.asc 
output=AirTemp_Test2 type=FCELL --overwrite) which imports fine.

My region is set as described above and now I want to resample on the fly and 
export an ASCII grid I can use in Excel so I want new each row of data to have 
1440 columns (since the new resolution is 2x the original)

I have tried r.out.ascii (r.out.ascii -h -m input=AirTemp_Test2 
output=D:\air_temp_2014\Test2.txt precision=2 width=1440 --overwrite) but the 
problem I have is that it is floating point values and for some reason all of 
the data exported into the ASCII grid is in scientific notation with no 
separation between the values. In order to get an even 1440 x 720 ASCII grid, I 
need to check the "Write MODFLOW (USGS) ASCII array" box in the GUI and set the 
number of significant digits to 2 (otherwise you just get integers) and the 
wrapping number to 1440 ... this works fine for integers but defaults to the 
scientific notation for floating point which since there are no value 
separators, can't be worked with (integers are separated by a space). Two 
things: can we turn off scientific notation?, and add a separator for floating 
point values ... (please)

If I do not check the MODFLOW box, the grid output has the appropriate number 
of rows (720) but many of them have their data truncated. Every row should have 
1440 values.

I have tried r.out.arc (r.out.arc input=AirTemp_Test2 output=AirTest2 dp=2 
--overwrite) as well and while it generates the grid with space-separated 
values, they also seem to be truncated ... the truncation is not consistent 

Am I doing something really wrong here ???

Thanks :)

Chris Bartolomei P.E.


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