Hi Rich,

perhaps this video will help:


On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 12:16 PM, Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
>   One model run has completed and I have several questions for which I do
> not find answers in either the grass or itzi docs.
>   1.) g.gis.animation input can be raster, vector, or st?ds files. The
> output of the model is a set of 25 raster maps. Is there a strds for this
> output or do I list all 25 maps on the command line?
>   And, can I overlay this animation on vector maps that provide context? If
> so, where do I read how to do this?
>   2.) The individual water depth output maps are transparent; that is, I can
> overlay them on a vector DEM contour map and see the contours underneath the
> raster file. The maximum water output file (open_h_max) is opaque; it covers
> the underlying vector contour map. Can it be made transparent?
>   3.) Precipitation input is in mm/hr but the output water depth map is in
> meters (see water_h_max.png attached). However, it is not possible for there
> to be cells with 3m of water based on the input data. How can I obtain
> output surface water depths in mm or cm?
> TIA,
> Rich
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