On Tue, May 2, 2017, at 12:05 PM, Tyler Smith wrote:
> I've been having some problems interacting with graphics windows. I'm
> using Grass version 7.2.0, installed from the Debian repository.
> Starting from the command line this happens:
> grass -text
> GRASS 7.2.0 (ecozones):~ > d.mon start=wx0
> GRASS 7.2.0 (ecozones):~ > Failed to import the site module
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site.py", line 580, in <module>
>     main()

Realizing that these are python errors, I recalled that I have installed
a non-Debian (i.e., miniconda) version of Python that sits at the front
of my path. Adding `export GRASS_PYTHON=python2.7` to my .bashrc seems
to correct this issue. I have both the Debian python3.5 and the
miniconda python3.5, but using either as the value of GRASS_PYTHON
causes problems.

So I have solved my own problem, unless there will be new issues arising
from using python2.7 instead of python3+?

Thanks for your patience.

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