> On Aug 15, 2017, at 10:06 AM, Mira Kattwinkel <kattwinkel-m...@uni-landau.de> 
> wrote:
> I was able to nail it down to empty cells in the attribute table (NULL). When 
> filling those the error disappears.
> Have there been any changes to v.in.ogr that may cause this behaviour? Or 
> could this be related to OGR / GDAL?

Hi Mira,

I am not sure if it will work for you, but I have found that when I have empty 
cells, I can get around the issue by converting the file to import to CSV then 
back using ogr2ogr.

For instance (I have only done this with shape files):

#convert DBF to CSV file to properly handle blank fields
ogr2ogr  -f 'CSV' fileName.csv fileName.dbf

#convert back to DBF
ogr2ogr  fileName_fixed.dbf fileName.csv

#back up original DBF file before replacing:
mv fileName.dbf fileName_original.dbf

#then move “fixed” DBF file back to original filename:
mv fileName_fixed.dbf fileName.dbf

I hope this helps!


Jeshua Lacock

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