On 01/06/18 00:41, Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote:
But it's not about the tempfile, it's about calling Rscript and >Windows not
being able to find it, or ?

looking closer at the report and the used command, the Rscript and other
files should be written to files in some folder, right?

Rscript is an executable which allows to call R commands non-interactively in a scripting environment.

However, I noticed that the file with the R commands was the only one I hadn't done the replace("\\", "/") on, so maybe the error about not being able to find the file is about the command file, not Rscript.

  >Some paths to set correctly maybe ?

What I've seen today during quick tests, it may be the path can't be
resolved, it may be a similar issue with path like for the temp File.

But in my first quuck test, the Rscript was written to a folder when

I suggest to apply a patch in svn to solve the temp file issue, then further
testing is needed.

I committed a patch in r72758 which now correctly applies the replace() call to all tempfiles created. Please test.

If you still see an error that combines

pts/v.class.mlR.py", line 570, in main
    subprocess.check_call(['Rscript', r_commands],
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, )


WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file

Then maybe it is about Rscript not being in the PATH...

Jamille, could you please also test ? It should be available for Windows for installation with g.extension by tomorrow.

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