[Please keep conversations on the list]

On 20/07/18 11:26, Alessandro Sebastiani wrote:
well, i cannot call the module by the console. Should i install some additional components before calling it? In addition, online manual page is not found, so i don't really know how to make it work

It is an addon which you have to install using g.extension. Which OS are you working on. There seems to be an issue with the server building the addons for MS Windows [1], but on GNU/Linux I can install it.


[1] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2018-July/089081.html

2018-07-20 11:17 GMT+02:00 Moritz Lennert <mlenn...@club.worldonline.be <mailto:mlenn...@club.worldonline.be>>:

    On 20/07/18 10:42, Alessandro Sebastiani wrote:

        Dear All,
        I'm a newbie, so i hope i'm making the proper use of this
        mailing list. I wanted to ask how can i asses spatial
        autocorrelation for raster data in GRASS. I was trying to use
        the following module "r.object.spatialautocor" but it looks like
        it doesn't work anymore on GRASS.

    Why do you say that ? I can run the examples of the man page without
    any problems.


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