
First, I have never done any wildfire modeling and I am not familiar with
the process in GRASS. So, I'm not sure what the requirements are in GRASS
to do this. However, I do not understand how 2 columns of data can contain
"starting point of the fire, slope, wind velocity, wind direction,
elevation, fuel models and fuel moisture" unless the data are in separate
rows; but that does not make sense either to me. Is the "starting point of
the fire" in lat/long coordinates or some other geographic coordinates?

I really think it would be helpful to see an example dataset with an
explanation. I or others can help you with answering questions about
importing your datasets, but not without this information.


On Sat, Aug 4, 2018 at 10:01 AM, Kalindu Perera <kkc199...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
> Thanks a lot for your reply. I'll explain more.
> We have a dataset with data about a wildfire, starting point of the fire,
> slope, wind velocity, wind direction, elevation, fuel models and fuel
> moisture.
> That data is in an excel sheet separated into columns.
> we need to convert that data to the format which is like in the Grass GIS
> fire simulation data set. So that we can calculate the spread of our
> wildfire using r.ros
> Grass GIS fire simulation data set has data about 1 wildfire and the data
> is presented separately as files. As an example slope is a separate file.
> the elevation is another file
> What we need is how to convert our wildfire data which is in the excel
> sheet to those type of files?
> Is there any script or something to convert?
> Thank you..!!!!!!
> On Sat, 4 Aug 2018 at 18:36, Thomas Adams <tea...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Kalindu,
>> I think you need to provide more information. It sounds like you have
>> point data, which means your data should be imported using v.in.ogr or
>> v.in.ascii, if you were to convert you excel file to an ascii text file.
>> Regards,
>> Tom
>> On Sat, Aug 4, 2018 at 3:46 AM, Kalindu Perera <kkc199...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> We have encountered a problem when we trying to convert a wildfire data
>>> set to the format that can be used in the grass GIS. We have the data in an
>>> excel sheet as records. Grass GIS fire simulation dataset has a set of
>>> files as the inputs. The format of the data in the files is unclear. Is
>>> there any conversion method of normal fire data to the format that can be
>>> used in the Grass GIS?...We have the same input data, we need to convert
>>> them like the fire simulation data set provided in the Grass GIS sample
>>> data page.
>>> Thank you...!!!!!!!
>>> Awaiting a helpful response
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