That's the computational region limits which are now visible by default in
Map display and wx monitors.
However, I agree that an option to make it invisible as before would make
You can open a ticket for this


El mar., 25 sep. 2018 14:24, Rich Shepard <>

> On Tue, 25 Sep 2018, Rich Shepard wrote:
> > Just built the latest release from 7.7.svn (I think it's 73396) and when
> I
> > run 'd.mon start=wx0' I see a vertical rectangle with a blue border in
> the
> > center (see attached screenshot.png). d.erase does nothing to it and
> > trying to print it as content fails; there's nothing to print.
>    Just for grins, I started grass7.7.svn with the GUI. Now the
> blue-bordered
> rectangle fills the map display window top-to-bottom and almost completely
> side-to-side.
> Rich
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