On Sat, 20 Jul 2019, Micha Silver wrote:

v.to. lines is *not* what you want. That module takes a polygon and
converts the boundaries to lines.


I wondered about that.

If you want to go straight from the point coordinates to a polygon, you
can use the GRASS standard ASCII format and pipe directly to v.in.ascii:

echo "VERTI:
B 1 5
 -123.940000 45.150100
 -123.940000 45.145400
 -123.960000 45.145400
 -123.960000 45.150100
 -123.940000 45.150100
 1 1
C 1 1
 -123.950000 45.147500
 1 1" | v.in.ascii input=- output=analysis_region format=standard

Ah, yes! That looks familiar. I should use the standard format and leave the
point format for a cloud of points.


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