Hello everyone,

I am tried to use the version of GRASS GIS based on docker file, and am
follow the instructions describe on '

but when i tried to run the next command

# case 2: launching anywhere
    docker run -it --rm --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) --volume
/your/test/grassdata/:/data --env HOME=/data/ grassgis76 \
        grass /data/nc_basic_spm/PERMANENT --exec g.region -p

i receive the next error

ERROR: Failed to create configuration directory
'/home/juan/Documentos/0_tesis/grass7imagen/grass-gis-stable/.grass7' with
error: No such file or directory

Some one can explain with more detaid the command describe before please.

Thank you for your attention

Juan Sebastián Vinasco

Estudiante de Ingeniería Topográfica
Universidad del Valle, Colombia
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