On Thu, 3 Oct 2019, Ken Mankoff wrote:

The two maps are showing the same data. d.rast scales each raster to
(min,max) of the colorbar, which is why the tiles appear misaligned. The
data is unchanged.


And because each individual tile has diffeent minimum and maximum elevations
they don't make a smooth surface while the patched map does. Now I

I don't see how anyone can answer that without knowing the specifics of
your project and goals.

To describe geomorphic characteristics of the basin and how they affect
channel hydraulics, sediment transport to the lower reaches, and fish
distributions, all to a non-technical audience of decision-makers.

I'd patch than resample to avoid possible edge effects, if your resample
isn't perfectly aligned with each sub-raster.

This is what I thought made more sense. Your confirmation is much


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