On 2020-05-27 1:34 p.m., Rich Shepard wrote:
On Wed, 27 May 2020, Rich Shepard wrote:

If the issue is in v.in.pdal please let me know and I'll try to fix it.

All issues resolved. I rebuilt and re-installed (in order) proj7, geos,
gdal, libgeotiff, and libspatialite. I think it was either libgeotiff or
libspatialite not being rebuilt that caused make to fail.


Yes, I am also on the pdal list and it is interesting that everything I said here is correct - PDAL does not depend on PROJ, it is GDAL who links to PROJ, as well as my earlier warning to focus on GeoTIFF and Spatialite libs linking to PROJ.

So it seems I am not as crazy as you think ;)


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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