sorry for not having searched enough before posting.I have just found the addon 
r.viewshed.cvs which seems to do the job!

    Em terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2020 22:56:17 GMT+1, Bernardo Santos 
<bernardo_brand...@yahoo.com.br> escreveu:  
 Dear list,
I need to calculate a viewshed surface for multiple points (and have, in the 
end, a single surface of where any of those points can see). In fact this is to 
deal with the other way around: I want to know, in any position, if it is 
possible to see back to one of those points modeled.
r.viewshed seems to do the job, but for a single point at a time.Is there any 
implementation doing this for multiple points, like a poit vector as input 
instead of a pair (x,y)?
Thank!Best wishesBernardo

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