Hi Tim,

On Sun, Apr 11, 2021 at 10:42 AM Timothy Glyn Southern via grass-user
<grass-user@lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
> Thanks Anna, I believe you are correct with your ideas, unfortunately the 
> only fix given is way beyond my level of understanding and coding

AFAIK the needed upstream fix on wyPython was this:
merged into their master on Nov 18, 2020. I have no idea in which
wxPython release this will be/has been included.

--> python-wxpython, Build Date: 2020-11-12
      ==> too old.

on Nov 25, 2020: wxPython-4.1.1
      ==> not yet packaged.

(Note that I am only guessing around here.)

Since I use Fedora (33) and didn't want to wait I contacted the
maintainer in Nov 2020.
They patched the package accordingly, added the aforementioned fix:
and shipped the updated 4.0.7-13 RPM package right away, end of Nov 2020.

Maybe you could request to apply the fix also in the Manjaro package?

> Is there likely to be an updated version loaded to repository before too long 
> that corrects the problem?

The packagers need to be aware of it...

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