Hi Markus, Thanks for your response. I note that another user recently had a 
similar error with a similar (but not the same) module.
I am currently splitting my input data into smaller sized files, each for input 
separately to the v.select module, to see if this resolves the issue. I will 
let you know on progress. If the failure continues then I will supply you with 
a reproducible example using the NC data as you indicate. Many thanks.
Best wishes, Chris    On Tuesday, 18 May 2021, 22:01:58 BST, Markus Neteler 
<nete...@osgeo.org> wrote:  

Is there a chance to receive the dataset for testing (or, ideally, a
reproducible example with the North Carolina sample dataset from


On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 1:14 PM Christopher Lloyd via grass-user
<grass-user@lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
> Hi, I am running Grass 7.8.2 on a HPC (linux) to utilise memory not available 
> to me via my local machine.
> It is running using proj 6.3, gdal 3.0.4, geos 3.8, python 3
> I am trying to perform the v.select disjoint operation, which I have used 
> successfully before on a similar setup and similar data using the same 
> version of Grass (I suspect only the supporting modules and input data have 
> changed). My code is:
> g.region n=5.4715700149536133 e=31.4501590728759766 s=-13.5662746429443359 
> w=12.1540479660034180 -p
> ## Input and clean topology
> v.in.ogr -e -o input=file.json output=filev2 snap=-1 --verbose --overwrite
> v.in.ogr -e -o input=file2.gpkg output=file2 snap=-1 --verbose --overwrite 
> encoding=UTF-8
> ## Extract all categories for each dataset so as to maintain polygon 
> (building) contiguity where polygons overlap other polygons within each 
> dataset
> v.extract -d input=filev2 layer=1 type=centroid,area output=buildingsdiss 
> --verbose --overwrite
> v.extract -d input=file2 layer=1 type=centroid,area output=file2diss1 
> where="cat < 6000001" --verbose --overwrite
> ## Perform disjoint operation to find buildings that do not intersect 
> buildings in primary dataset
> v.select ainput=file2diss1 alayer=file2diss1 binput=buildingsdiss 
> blayer=buildingsdiss output=DISJOINT1 operator=disjoint --verbose --overwrite
> ## Output disjoint building layer and cleaned primary dataset
> v.out.ogr -m input=DISJOINT1 output=DISJOINT1.gpkg --verbose --overwrite
> v.out.ogr -m input=filev2 output=filev2.gpkg --verbose --overwrite
> Having input the topologies and extracted the categories I persistently get 
> the following error using various data when trying to run the disjoint 
> operation:
> projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
> zone:      0
> datum:      wgs84
> ellipsoid:  wgs84
> north:      5:28:17.649311N
> south:      13:33:58.588333S
> west:      8:09:27.521013W
> east:      51:45:42.670764E
> nsres:      1:00:07.170402
> ewres:      1:00:56.104945
> rows:      19
> cols:      59
> cells:      1121
> NS and EW resolutions are different
> Processing features...
>    0%..........100%
> Processing areas...
>    0% ERROR: Unable to seek: Invalid argument
> NS and EW resolutions are different
> Any advice appreciated on getting v.select to run. Thanks
> Best wishes, Chris
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Markus Neteler, PhD
https://www.mundialis.de - free data with free software
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