I found this old discussion very interesting
and I realized that it is quite complex.
Looking in various modules I realized that maybe I could use
r.watershed, and maybe I could use a raster a flow model based in vect
and still use bocking input with tree
Well I'm undecided
I have a lot of work to do now, and within a week I wanted to submit a
report to the farm (the consultancy is funded by the rural development
plan of my region, and I could look great!) winter, when I have more
time to devote to it.
Thanks a lot anyway!

Perito agrario Enrico Gabrielli
Tessera n. 633 Collegio Periti agrari prov. Di Modena
Biblioteca agricoltura: https://www.zotero.org/groups/aplomb/
skype: enricogabrielli (enricogabrielli76.per...@gmail.com)

Il giorno sab, 24/07/2021 alle 22.31 +0200, Enrico Gabrielli
bonushenricus ha scritto:
> Hello. On a small agricultural test field of about 1.5 Ha, on which I
> made the DEM with a survey in the field, I am trying some simulation
> of
> rainwater drainage, with a comparison of the current situation, a
> situation of passages of the tractor with carriages according to
> straight lines, and a situation of passages according to a keyline
> design, curved.
> To modify the dem to keep up with the tractor tracks, I am using the
> r.carve module: I use a width of 0.4 meters and a depth of 0.07
> (resolution of the DEM and of the region of 0.1).
> In the situation of straight carriageways, r.carve cuts ditches about
> 3
> m deep (either using -n or not).
> Strange because in the situation of curved lines in keyline
> everything
> was fine.
> I don't understand how the module thinks, and what the default is.
> Thank you
> Enrico bonushenricus tecnico agricolo (Italia)

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