On Thu, 23 Sep 2021, Jeff McKenna wrote:

On 2021-09-23 8:55 a.m., Jeff McKenna wrote:
NAD83 / UTM zone 10N + NAVD88

It could also be that no one yet has submitted this to the EPSG geodetic committee, for inclusion (UTM zone 10N with that vertical datum). *hint* *maybe you should* (PS I've submitted several, just use the mindset "well someone has to")


Interesting. Actually, since this project (like all of them) have data
sources using different projections I don't care which is used as long as I
can reproject data from the source to a single appropriate one. I could use
Washington State Plane (South) and that would work just as well,

So.....all of my answers to you are very unhelpful, ha.

Not at all.

But that's all I've got for you now.

And that's good enough.

Yet, ... I have a question: is there a way in grass to change the PROJ_INFO
in the PERMANENT mapset of a location to a new projecion? Or, do I manually
edit that file?

Thanks in advance,

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