On Fri, 24 Sep 2021, Maris Nartiss wrote:

first – loc should be just "lon_lat" without a full path. Use dbase
parameter if location is in a different GISDBASE.
second – map names are without "/".


Some times I seemed to have issues with 'first' if I didn't put in the full
path to the GISDBASE.

My fault on 'second'. I highlighted and copied rather than rekeyboarding.

third – you do not reproject or copy to PWD. You always do actions in
the mapset you selected at the start of GRASS work session. GRASS is
designed with pull not push in mind – you always pull into active
mapset. Reprojection – pull from source location/mapset to current
mapset (and thus the CRS of current Location).

It is the in the PWD of the desired target mapset in which I start GRASS.

Hope this helps to clarify things.

Yep. It was 1 and 2 that were the problem.

Thanks again,


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