On 9/30/21 8:18 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
Only since about a week ago have I had grass tell me it could not display an existing map. They happen when I try to erase the monitor or display a map
and exiting/re-starting GRASS doesn't resolve the issue.

I get this response both when the map's in a different mapset that's
available or in the mapset in which it's found:
g.mapsets -l
Available mapsets:
PERMANENT bathymetry features fish hydraulics
<isplay=shape type=point color=black fill_color=red icon=basic/box size=7 # window truncation

Did you enter the full vector name with Mapset as property@bathymetry ??

ERROR: Vector map <property> not found
GRASS project/bathymetry:analyses > g.mapset map=features
Mapset switched.
GRASS project/features:analyses > g.list type=vect
<play=shape type=point color=black fill_color=red icon=basic/box size=7 python3: can't open file '/data/grassdata/project/features/.tmp/salmo/MONITORS/wx1/render.py': [Errno

Did you start a new wx monitor after switching mapsets?

2] No such file or directory

What might be the cause of these errors?

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Ben Gurion Univ.
Sde Boker, Remote Sensing Lab
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