Hi HB,

Le 13 octobre 2021 22:57:21 GMT+01:00, B H <hemantb...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>How do I divide an area into smaller areas ( I am looking for functionality
>of st_subdivide in postgis).
>I need to  split some big areas into smaller ones (and all smaller ones
>should have the same attributes).
>I understand that it means that underlying topology would change( It would
>add more boundaries).
>When v.in.ogr imports a shapefile in Grass GIS, it automatically splits the
>overlapping areas to make them topologically correct, so I am hoping that
>there is already some way to just split a topologically valid area as

I don't think that there is any readymade module for this. You could just 
create a fixed grid with v.mkgrid and v.overlay it with something like this:

v.overlay ain=orig bin=grid out=subdivided operator=and olayer=0,1,0

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