Hello Maris,

Thanks for your message.

If the lines (road or rivers) makes laces and the transect line cross them several times at different distances, only the first intersection is reported by v.profil. I have only one CAT by vector lines. You can download a data set here > https://we.tl/t-X8GVhWxgW6

The projection is french Lambert93 EPSG 2154. The data comes from IGN (French national geographic board)
and you can try this command :

/v.profile input=rivers type="line" buffer=10 profile_map=transect profile_where="cat=38"/

On my Grass 7.8.3 (on debian) the command does not return all intersection, not even the fisrt one. I don't know why...

Le 27/04/2022 à 07:34, Maris Nartiss a écrit :
Hello Frank,
Could you elaborate on „first item“ as I just digitized a vector map
with three lines and crossed them with a profile and got back three
Things to check – do all lines have a CAT value in specified layer?
If you have a problem with a specific data set, you can send me it
off-list so I can take a look.


otrd., 2022. g. 26. apr., plkst. 21:08 — lietotājs Frank David
(<frank.da...@geophom.fr>) rakstīja:

I need to identify vector lines (like roads, rivers) crossed by a
transect and get distance from the beginning of the transect. For the
moment I'm using v.profile but it returns only the first item. Is there
any way to get all crossed lines ?

Thank for your help,


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