
Thank you for your message. But I don't think it helps me.

I want to add a bridge elevation to my DEM. So if I create a 3d vector line (my bridge) with two vertex at x,y,z coordinates, and is it possible to convert in a raster where each cells crossed by the line inherits of his extrapolated altitude ? If no module exists to do that, what would be the operations necessary to achieve this result ? I hope it is clearer.


Le 07/04/2023 à 10:16, Helmut Kudrnovsky a écrit :
Is there a way to rasterize a 3d line to get altitude on raster cells
crossed by the line ?
not quite sure what are you trying to do?



Converts 2D vector features to 3D by sampling of elevation raster map. 
Additional vertices can be added to the input 2D vector map with v.split.

or the something like:

v.fixed.segmentpoints - segment points along a vector line with fixed distances 
followed by
v.what.rast - Uploads raster values at positions of vector points to the table 
(https://grass.osgeo.org/grass82/manuals/v.what.rast.html) or v.sample - 
Samples a raster map at vector point locations 

kind regards

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