Hi Tomas,

as far as I see, the class name of the input is wrong. The correct class 
name is org.graylog2.inputs.gelf.tcp.GELFTCPInput, as 
org.graylog2.inputs.gelf.tcp2.* only existed very briefly during the 
development of Graylog2 0.92.0.


On Friday, 12 December 2014 18:46:46 UTC+1, Tomas Neme wrote:
> I'm trying to create an input using the REST API, but I keep getting 400s, 
> I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, and there seems to be no documentation. 
> I've been looking at the source, but I can't quite follow the java class 
> maze. Could someone please just advice about the correct content of the 
> request body? This is the request I'm sending:
> Headers (as a dictionary):
> {
> 'Content-Length': '230',
> 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, compress',
> 'Accept': '*/*',
> 'User-Agent': 'python-requests/2.2.1 CPython/2.7.5+ 
> Linux/3.11.0-26-generic',
> 'content-type': 'application/json',
> 'Authorization': 'Basic bGFj******''}
> and the content, a JSON string:
> {
> "node": "4eb268d1-df15-40a6-8ff3-ec3114182844",
> "global": false,
> "type": "org.graylog2.inputs.gelf.tcp2.GELFTCPInput",
> "configuration": {
> "bind_address": "",
> "port": 12202,
> "recv_buffer_size": 1048576},
> "title": "gelf tcp"
> }
> I've tried several different ways of putting the configuration data, with 
> and without the node id, with global with either value, also naming 
> configuration 'attributes' (like GET returns) and changing the fields 
> inside 'configuration' to 'configuration_*' instead, and putting them at 
> the root of the object, to no avail. Can't figure this one out. Please help?

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