I've installed 1.0.1 by deploying latest AWS image from 
https://github.com/Graylog2/graylog2-images/tree/master/aws on a medium 
(4GB) instance.  Two configured inputs: syslog TCP and UDP on 513.

After running for a few days, Graylog spontaneously restarts, and when the 
inputs spin up, they find the system resources too consumed by other things 
to allow them sufficient memory:

Input 550ac07ee4b00f1a0c17d878 has failed to start on node 
3afac49d-1641-4e00-807c-3922f9ca37a4 for this reason: "Cannot allocate 

Checking 'top' shows 135MB left out of the 4GB VM, of which 2GB, 0.8GB, and 
0.5GB go to three Java processes, 33MB to Mongo :), and the rest various 
smaller processes.

This is not a heavily-loaded instance, but regardless, I am guessing 
something is off-kilter somewhere in the JVM memory options of the 3 big 
guys.  But I can't find where I should be configuring this.  Is this 
supposed to be user-accessible configuration or is it deliberately buried?  
Either way something must be off in the default config.

Also it is disturbing that graylog spontaneously restarts, and I can't find 
anything in the logs indicating why.  Does anyone know why this might occur?

Logs of an example incident below, showing spontaneous restart at 04:46am 

2015-04-06 04:46:46.626 +03:00     3afac49d-1641-4e00-807c-3922f9ca37a4     
Cannot allocate memory.
2015-04-06 04:46:46.621 +03:00     3afac49d-1641-4e00-807c-3922f9ca37a4     
Cannot allocate memory.
2015-04-06 04:46:46.602 +03:00     3afac49d-1641-4e00-807c-3922f9ca37a4     
Input [Syslog TCP/550ac07ee4b00f1a0c17d878] is now STARTING
2015-04-06 04:46:46.595 +03:00     3afac49d-1641-4e00-807c-3922f9ca37a4     
Input [Syslog UDP/550ac062e4b00f1a0c17d857] is now STARTING
2015-04-06 04:46:46.547 +03:00     3afac49d-1641-4e00-807c-3922f9ca37a4     
Started up.
2015-03-27 16:04:33.072 +02:00     3afac49d-1641-4e00-807c-3922f9ca37a4     
Input [Syslog UDP/550ac062e4b00f1a0c17d857] is now RUNNING
2015-03-27 16:04:33.069 +02:00     3afac49d-1641-4e00-807c-3922f9ca37a4     
Input [Syslog TCP/550ac07ee4b00f1a0c17d878] is now RUNNING
2015-03-27 16:04:32.936 +02:00     3afac49d-1641-4e00-807c-3922f9ca37a4     
Input [Syslog TCP/550ac07ee4b00f1a0c17d878] is now STARTING
2015-03-27 16:04:32.912 +02:00     3afac49d-1641-4e00-807c-3922f9ca37a4     
Input [Syslog UDP/550ac062e4b00f1a0c17d857] is now STARTING
2015-03-27 16:04:32.843 +02:00     3afac49d-1641-4e00-807c-3922f9ca37a4     
Started up.

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