Dear, Ia have Graylog 1.2 with just one Elasticsearch node. I receive lots 
of logs from different devices. After a pair of hours, I often notice that 
incoming messages are higher than outgoing messages, and so the journal is 
fullfilled and the message processing mechanism stops, and I have to delete 
messages from journal manually.

This is a sample verbose message from the Nodes of Graylog:

Processing *1,126* incoming and *500* outgoing msg/s. *130,739 unprocessed 
messages* are currently in the journal, in 1 segments. *857 messages* have 
been appended to, and *857 messages* have been read from the journal in the 
last second.

Is there any way to process more messages and have higher outgoing 
messages? Or any other way to avoid the fullfilling of the journal ?

Thanks a lot,


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