Hi folks,
I'm trying to get these collector-sidecar running on my linux.
Did the installation of nxlog and the collector-sidecar.rpm file.
My graylog server is running on another machine.
First of all the error message when runnning the collector-sidecar binary 
with the conf file

graylog-collector-sidecar -c 

INFO[0000] Using collector-id: 72a5ed2b-f5ae-46dc-88e9-a1029f57c545 
INFO[0000] Fetching configurations tagged by: [daisy]   
INFO[0000] Starting collector supervisor                
INFO[0000] [nxlog] Starting                             
ERRO[0000] [nxlog] Collector exits immediately, this should not happen! 
Please check your collector configuration! 
ERRO[0019] [UpdateRegistration] Failed to report collector status to 
server: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value 
ERRO[0039] [RequestConfiguration] Bad response status from Graylog server: 
504 Gateway Time-out 

Now the conf file (pls notice the server_url section there is a normal ip 
address and no <> stuff considering the error message ;-))

server_url: http://<my-graylog-server-ip>:12900
tls_skip_verify: true
node_id: graylog-collector-sidecar
collector_id: file:/etc/graylog/collector-sidecar/collector-id
    - test
log_path: /var/log/graylog/collector-sidecar
update_interval: 10
    - name: nxlog
      enabled: true
      binary_path: /usr/bin/nxlog

The collector-sidecar did not fetch any config from the graylog server so 
the generated dir is empty.

Does anybody faces the same problem?


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