On 28/12/16 10:50, Edmundo Alvarez wrote:

> I would start by checking if the grok patterns got stored in the database. 
> Could you please check if there are some documents in the "grok_patterns" 
> collection inside the MongoDB database you use for Graylog?

Ha, that seems to be the problem. I don't have such a collection at all.
However, the patterns seem to be in content_packs, but not used on the

>> db.content_packs.find()
> { "_id" : ObjectId("5834a20185a3f75aaba06c48"), "name" : "Core Grok
> Patterns", "description" : "Core grok patterns", "category" : "Grok",
> "inputs" : [ ] …

Can I make graylog re-create the grok_patterns collection, or create it

> Additionally, which Graylog version are you using? A link to the grok 
> patterns you imported would also help us to see if there's anything odd in 
> there.

I imported these patterns:

>  *** 2.1.2-1 0
>         500 https://downloads.graylog.org/repo/debian/ stable/2.1
> amd64 Packages

best regards,

-- TenTwentyFour S.à r.l. W: www.tentwentyfour.lu T: +352 20 211 1024 F:
+352 20 211 1023 9 av. des Hauts-Fourneaux 4362 Esch-sur-Alzette

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