
I'm working on putting a GL cluster behind a reverse proxy and load 
balancer and while troubleshooting a url redirect issue I discovered why 
the interface has seemed really slow to me.  My servers are in another 
country so latency becomes obvious for me.

Just getting to the login screen are 9 requests totally 9.3 MB in 
transfer.  That is huge.  Individually it may be less of a problem but on 
the login screen the browser is preloading all these javascript files even 
when they aren't needed yet, and it is waiting until most of them are 
loaded before rendering the page.

My short-term proposal:  At UI login, don't preload.  Just handle 
authentication first.  Don't load certain JS files until the page that uses 
it requires it.

My long-term proposal:  I think the javascript is going to need some 
refactoring.  For example, I'm looking at the MapWidget code and I see 
multiple sections of code concatenated together, which is easy to spot 
because of the sudden break of commented opensource license notices.  If 
more of these are loaded individually, it may load faster since they will 
be separate/parallel requests.

In the mapwidget code I see jQuery UI Widget 1.12.1, which is also being 
loaded by the enterprise widget, maybe more of them.  So there is a lot of 
redundant code being downloaded and re-executed.

Thanks for reading.

Also is this the best place to post this?  Or is there a dev/eng specific 
forum I can put these kinds of requests on?


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