I am trying to get the source (server in this case) to show when I receive 
an alert, but the alert has an empty field.

The Call back details are below:

Alert Description: ${check_result.resultDescription}
Date: ${check_result.triggeredAt}
Stream ID: ${stream.id}
Server: ${message.fields.source}
Stream title: ${stream.title}
Stream description: ${stream.description}
${if stream_url}Stream URL: ${stream_url}${end}

Triggered condition: ${check_result.triggeredCondition}

${if backlog}Last messages accounting for this alert:
${foreach backlog message}${message}

${end}${else}<No backlog>

However the details in the alert when I do get the alert are below, bearing 
in mind that this is a test

Alert Description: Stream had 260 messages in the last 1 minutes with trigger 
condition more than 1 messages. (Current grace time: 0 minutes)
Date: 2017-01-19T15:06:19.640Z
Stream ID: 5880d1f5913f7855c558daf9
Stream title: Test
Stream description: Test
Stream URL: 

Triggered condition: 6165c412-52e5-47cd-b160-a348f613980c:MESSAGE_COUNT={time: 
1, threshold_type: more, threshold: 1, grace: 0}, 
stream:={5880d1f5913f7855c558daf9: "TestBiztalk"} ##########

<No backlog>

I would expect to see a server name where "Server: " but it's blank. Am I 
using the correct variable?

   - Graylog Version: Graylog 2.0.3 (f07c170 
   on graylog (Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_77 on Linux 4.2.0-38-generic)
   - Elasticsearch Version:
   - MongoDB Version:
   - Operating System: Ubuntu
   - Browser version: Chrome

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