Costa Rica is recognized by the world as a leader in sustainable
tourism; it is woven into the fabric of the country's culture,
government and policies.

Planet, People, Peace: The First International Conference, from the 26th
to the 29th of October 2009 in San Jose, Costa Rica, will be a platform
by which Costa Rica and its extraordinary sustainable model will be used
as a tool for redefining responsible tourism in the world.

For the first time ever, the Republic of Costa Rica will be presenting
its myriad of sustainable policies and successes and will host
experienced representatives from the international community to debate
the future of sustainable tourism.

Costa Rica will provide leadership as the most advanced sustainable
tourism destination; not just regionally, but also on an international
level, acting as a model for any country that wants to implement real
sustainable tourism development.

<>  for more information and to

October is approaching fast! Register by September 15, 2009 and receive
a special registration rate.

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