Voluntourists Visiting Peru's Sacred Valley Can Assist Planeterra's Smoke-Free 
Environment Outreach

Posted by Dave Wiggins  d...@travelnewssource.com

A smoke-free, healthy environment takes on a whole new meaning in one remote 
Andean village.


Members of the Ccaccaccollo community in Peru's Sacred Valley are learning how 
to construct adobe stoves complete with innovative pipes to carry smoke outside 
and away from living areas. The adobe models replace traditional inefficient, 
unvented stoves that while belching smoke into the home, create upper 
respiratory health problems and eye infections.


This hands-on initiative launched in July 2009 is the latest Planeterra 
Community Development Project, announced Richard G. Edwards, Director, 
Planeterra Foundation (www.planeterra.org).


As with most Planeterra Foundation voluntourism projects around the world, 
travelers will split their vacation time helping the community combined with 
culturally immersive excursions into the countryside. The Ccaccaccollo project 
high in the Andes will give voluntourists the opportunity to build stoves 
alongside community members during a home stay on Project Machu Picchu, a 
13-day Lima to Cuzco tour that also includes visits to various archeological 
sites in the Sacred Valley. Monthly departures year-round are $1,820 per person 
(double) for most land arrangements. For details please see 


A meeting between Planeterra's Latin America Project Manager, a local engineer, 
 and the community's health committee preceded the project launch. A recent 
field trip brought 18 men and women to visit the Huallyabamba community, which 
has already begun using the adobe stoves. Experiences were shared, and the 
people of Ccaccollo had an opportunity to see the stoves in use. The first 
demonstration stoves will be built in Ccaccaccollo in early August. Workshops 
will then train 10 community members who will have the responsibility of 
overseeing construction and implementation with the help of Planeterra and Gap 
Adventures volunteers. Members of the health committee will act as 
representatives of the program and will help educate families and our 
volunteers on the benefits of these stoves. 


Planeterra Foundation is a global non-profit dedicated to sustainable community 
development through travel. It was founded in 2003 by Gap Adventures, the 
largest independent adventure travel company in the world. Edwards is also a 
member of Gap Adventures' executive management team, where he helps oversee the 
company's rapid growth. Planeterra evolved out of a long history of travelers 
committed to finding ways to give back to the people and places they visit. 
Planeterra selects the projects and works with Gap Adventures to arrange 
voluntour travel programs. 

For information on Planeterra's year-round voluntour programs please go to 
www.planeterra.org or call 416-260-0999.

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