Dear Joanna

We have Ecotourism Association in Estonia,
see more hhtp://

Aivar Ruukel

--- In, "joannajantti" <joannajan...@...> wrote:
> Dear Greentravel-group members,
> I�m a Tourism student doing my internship in a Finnish NGO, Fair Tourism 
> Association.
> Fair Tourism Association was founded in 2003 with the objective to raise 
> awareness and discussion on sustainable tourism. In order to do this, the 
> association organizes various cultural and educational events, discussion 
> forums, and participates in domestic exhibitions. 
> The association is represented throughout Finland by the members of its 
> executive committee. At the moment we have approx. 250 members, and this 
> group consists of tourism teachers and students, entrepreneurs and active 
> travelers.
> The reason I�m writing to you is to ask whether you could provide us with 
> information on other small associations, foundations or the like working in 
> the field of sustainable tourism. We would be also very interested to know 
> what kind of activities you have, and whether you have co-operation with 
> other associations, schools or companies. 
> Our association would really appreciate to exchange some experiences on 
> working in the field of sustainable tourism as a small NGO. Your answer could 
> provide us with some valuable information for future collaboration potential 
> with other small or medium sized NGOs. 
> Please, don't hesitate to contact us at i...@... Looking forward to hearing 
> from you soon. 
> With kind regards,
> Joanna J�ntti

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