People from all walks of life can become involved in helping with non-invasive 
study of the whales, dolphins and porpoises of the Moray Firth. 

The Cetacean Research Unit in Gardenstown, an idyllic fishing village in 
Banffshire, is a small independant group of scientists who have been using 
photo-id for over 10 years to catalogue firstly the bottlenose dolphins and now 
also the Minke whales and harbour porpoises.

It is not necessary to be a scientist to be able to join the group. Whilst you 
will learn, for example, how to rescue dolphins and small whales when they 
strand, you will also assist on the boat and many other activities.

For more details, dates and a booking form go to

On the website you can find scrapbooks from previous years, information on 
research, rescue, education and much more.

This is a very popular expedition and places are limited.


All the best

Tara White



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