UPDATED: April 2010

What is sustainability?
=> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainability

What is sustainable tourism?
=> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_tourism

green-travel posting guidelines

As of April 2010, there were over 2,500 subscribed member addresses on the 
green-travel group.  Keep in mind though, the green-travel archives are 
publicly available on the web, so virtually anyone may read them as well as 
pick-up posted messages via major search engines.  Additionally, green-travel 
is freely available via RSS web feed, commonly used with personal RSS feed 
readers such as Google Reader (http://reader.google.com/), and may now be 
followed on Twitter @green_travel_gp.

=> http://rss.groups.yahoo.com/group/green-travel/rss 

=> http://twitter.com/green_travel_gp

Just because the green-travel owner (Marcus L Endicott) uses the group in a 
certain way does not mean that the group should only be used in that way.  For 
example, new members may wish to post brief introductory messages.  In fact, 
old members may also wish to post updated introductory messages about 
themselves and their work at least once per year.

The general feeling of the group owner is that green-travel is a highly 
underutilized resource; since, there are many if not most of the well known 
experts in the field of sustainable tourism subscribed to green-travel, who 
could potentially answer any question or solve any problem....

Attachments, including HTML message formatting, are now allowed, and may be 
viewed online in the group message base at 
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/green-travel/messages .
- Please add "http://"; to all web addresses or URLs in order for them to become 
active or "hot" links in non-MS applications, such as the green-travel archives 
on the web.
- Please do not quote or include entire digests or unnecessarily long messages 
in replies.
- Also please include descriptive subject lines, including country whenever 

Messages may be posted in languages other than English; however, non-European 
languages should be accompanied by a translation or summary in English or other 
European language.

Only members may post to the group by sending to: 

Non-members may send messages for the group to the group owner at:

Group members with Yahoo! accounts may post from the web form at:

Multiple email addresses may be associated with a Yahoo! account by using:

What makes a good post for the green-travel group?

- Good messages are on-topic, in this case at least about travel or tourism, 
even if only by inference. More specifically, the topic is culturally and 
environmentally responsible, or green, travel and tourism.
- Original messages make good posts for the green-travel group. Tell us 
something. If its not worth your time and effort writing about something, even 
briefly, then its probably not worth ours reading about it.
- Short messages are better than long ones, think one or two screens, one half 
to one page.
- Good messages have good, clear subject lines, preferably including country 
name. (Where in the world are you?)
- Good messages include "hot" links for more details; web addresses must 
include "http://"; to become "live" in the green-travel archives online.
- Timely news releases make good messages for the green-travel group. 

What makes a bad post for the green-travel group?

- Forwarded messages are less desirable than original ones.
- One-line retorts are generally a waste of bandwidth, something like 
information pollution; if you need to say something like that to someone, then 
its better to send it directly to them privately, and not to the whole group.
- Excessively long messages are generally not good. If you quote previous 
messages, please do so selectively; the worst is to regurgitate entire digests.
- Please do not post survey forms or detailed itineraries directly to the 
group; in these cases, post instead to a web page (for example 
http://googlepages.com/) and just send a link with summary. 

Is the green-travel group moderated?

The green-travel YahooGroup is now unmoderated, but membership is restricted 
and new members must be approved by the group moderator. NB, egregious spammers 
will be ejected by the moderator; please bring any spamming issues to the 
attention of the moderator!

List Management Via Email: green-travel group

1. To join green-travel group, send a blank message to:

2. To post a message, send your message to:

3. To change your subscription to daily digest mode, send a blank
message to: green-travel-dig...@yahoogroups.com 

4. To change your subscription to individual emails, send a blank
message to: green-travel-nor...@yahoogroups.com 

5. To put your email message delivery on hold for this group, send a
blank message to: green-travel-nom...@yahoogroups.com 

6. To unsubscribe, send a blank message to:

7. To post a message to the moderator of green-travel group, send a
message to: green-travel-ow...@yahoogroups.com 

8. To receive general help information, send a blank message to:

Reply via email to