From Democratic Students' Union (DSU)'s Blog , Jawaharlal Nehru University
September 04, 2008Chengara Exposes the Pseudo-Communists Once More! The Myth
and Reality of Land Struggle in
The question of land and caste has once again come to the centre of debate
with the Chengara land struggle in Kerala. So much so that the Finance
Minister of Kerala is on record branding anyone and everyone who talk about
land and land reforms as Naxalites! There is also the commonsensical
reaction that there is hardly any land for distribution in a densely
populated state like Kerala. In this context when the issue is deliberately
being side-stepped by SFI and its parliamentary master CPI(M) with
Goebblesian conspiracy theories and sensational rhetoric taking precedence,
it is important to historically look into the age old problem of land and
the centrality of land as a means to political power in such semi-feudal,
semi-colonial countries like India and in Kerala in particular.

*Contextualising land reforms in India:* Even after the transfer of power in
1947 (which the ruling classes have tried to sell as 'independence') till
today, India has primarily remain an agrarian country with the vast majority
of masses dependent on agriculture. The comprador ruling classes of India
and the imperialist forces led by the U.S.A. were deeply alarmed by the
severe agrarian crisis that faced India since 1947. Imperialism and its
subservient Indian ruling class which has grown sadder and wiser after their
defeat in China in 1949 was wary of shimmering peasant discontent across
India. It was to contain this widespread discontent, which in the age of
Third World Revolutions threatened to sweep away the powers of the
landlord-big bourgeoisie led Indian state that the idea of 'land reforms'
was floated. It was not initiated to address the basic problems plaguing
Indian society. The problem of landlessness was not solved by the agrarian
legislations: there was no fundamental change in the ownership of land in
rural India. Feudalism was not to be liquidated, but to curb its grosser
manifestations and introduce capital penetration in agriculture to some
extent, so as to give an impetus to a section of landlords and rich peasants
to increase agricultural production. The land reforms were intended to serve
another purpose, no less important: this was to sow illusions among the
peasantry, make "sentimental gains", as Nehru said, and draw the bulk of the
peasantry away from revolutionary struggles. In this task, the ruling
classes found a willing ally in the Communist Party of India the leadership
of which was steeped in opportunism from the very beginning. It is within
this sub-continental context that one needs to locate Kerala, and thereby
look at the ongoing Chengara Land Struggle, no matter how much the CPI(M) or
SFI wishes to fool us by lies and misinformation.

*The farce of land reforms in Kerala:* In Kerala the high tide of anti-caste
movements had capitulated to the emerging big bourgeoisie and to the post-47
idea of building a new Kerala which was primarily an appendage of the
imperialist economy. It is at the same time that the ruling classes felt the
immediate need to accommodate a section of the upper strata of the emerging
anti-caste movements as the new economic agents of post-47 Kerala. And it
was specifically for this purpose of accommodation of the capitulating new
economic agents that made the land reforms a necessity. It is thus important
for us to note that there was no radical-ness in the conception of the idea
of land reforms. In fact it was first discussed by the Congress government
in 1951 and was later merely implemented with an unchanged agenda by the
Left with a radical façade. The land reforms were instrumental in promoting
a particular form of agricultural economy- the cash crop based economy-
binding it more closely to the international imperialist market nexus. It is
quite interesting to note that the ruling classes in Kerala in Post-47
Kerala—be it the Congress or the erstwhile CPI—had the same development
programme for the state, that propelled by a cash crop economy. And today
the Congress and the CPI (M) have a similar development programme for the
ailing Kerala economy— where IT, ITES and Tourism emerges as the prime
movers of growth! This unanimity and convergence of the developmental path
for Kerala economy jointly charted out by CPI(M) and Congress shows that
both are equally subservient to the interests of the imperialist market.

*The integration of the Kerala economy with the imperialist world market* has
ensured that none of the regressive social structures and production
relations holding back the Kerala economy is weakened. Rather all these
structures have been reproduced and reinforced in ever new forms. For
example, the state-sponsored cash crop economy has only ensured further
alienation of the small and poor peasantry from their land, with land
getting further concentrated among the economically and politically powerful
classes and castes (which often mean the same). The crux of the land reforms
that were initiated by the Kerala government in 1957 and implemented from 1
January 1970, was the fixing of ceilings on the amount of land that a family
could possess. It promised that surplus land would be taken over by the
government and redistributed among the landless. However, the land-ceiling
legislations made liberal concessins to the large landowners, religious
institutions, plantations and so on, leaving such loopholes that allowed
owners of large landed properties to retain their possessions. Once the
plantation sector got exempted, all that was left for redistribution were
some paddy land towards the Western Kerala, some land in the midland areas,
and some fallow fields that belonged to the Nilambur royal house. These
'famous' land reforms that we've all heard of is actually a law that gave on
paper full ownership rights to tenant cultivators. A look at the Chengara
Struggle gives us a clear picture of who the prime victims of such an
arrangement were, and serves as an eye opener in more ways than one.

*90% of the landless people agitating for land rights in Chengara are dalits
and adivasis*, also joined by the Muslims. But this is not a scenario unique
to Chengara. In whole of post 'land-reforms' Kerala, the dalits, dalit
Christians and Muslims comprise the vast majority of those dispossessed from
land or excluded from the purview of land reforms. 85% of the dalits in
Kerala are landless, and it's obvious that any movement for land rights
would constitute the dalits as its major participants. It is not enough to
term this struggle as merely a struggle for land by the landless. The truth
is that it is these historically oppressed sections of the people who have
been deliberately kept out of Kerala's land reforms that are raising their
voice today for land. The dalits and adivasis who could never become even
tenants within Kerala's traditional caste-based economy, could not expect to
receive any benefit from such laws.
In 1968 the Kerala government had estimated that some 8,75,000 acres of
surplus land would be available for redistribution. However, till date, the
government has been able to acquire only 1,24,000 acres. The rest of more
than 7 lakh acres have all been usurped through underhand practices such as
creation of Trusts. Trusts were exempted from ceilings under the land
reforms legislation, and overnight hundreds of Trusts were formed in Kerala.
Through creating trusts and registering deeds in false names and such myriad
other ways, all this land was usurped by landlords, dominant castes and
corporates close to the ruling class CPI(M) and Congress. Even out of this
1,24,000 acres acquired, only a meager 96,000 acres was actually
redistributed! This is the real state of land redistribution in Kerala. The
dalits, adivasis and the coastal people, who could not be tenants within
Kerala's traditional caste system, did not gain anything; not even a cent of

*Deceiving the landless, the legal way:* The Hutment Dweller's Act was
placed specifically by the CPI(M)-led govt. to deal with those sections of
the population who remained dispossessed, and hence a potent radical force
to challenge the rulers of Kerala. According to this Act, 10 cents of
housing plots in panchayat areas, 5 cents in municipal areas, and 3 in
corporation areas could be claimed by a landless family. But since lakhs of
landless people were still kept outside the purview this law, they are yet
to receive even this meager land. And thus out of the 25 lakh families who
are claimed to have benefited from land reform, 5 lakh in fact came under
the Hutment Dweller's Act. But that has not stopped the CPI(M) to include
them among the beneficiaries of their so-called land-reforms. Significantly,
out of this 5 lakh, 4 lakh 25 thousand were dalits and adivasis.

*And this is just one of the CPI(M)'s frauds in the name of land reforms*.
Another populist scheme called the One Lakh Housing Scheme was introduced in
1972. It meant one lakh houses. A wall in the middle. A house on each side.
Two houses in one building. Five cents of land per house. The government
pledged to build one lakh houses with this calculation. Naturally, the SFI
or CPI(M) have claimed that this was a progressive scheme to provide housing
for all homeless people in Kerala. Actually, this was a scheme to
accommodate the militant landless class which had been excluded by the land
reforms. But there were still a huge number of dalits and adivasis who were
excluded from the One Lakh Housing Scheme. So, the CPI(M) came up with
another scheme of social engineering for them: establishing hundreds of
Harijan colonies in Kerala. Thanks to these policies and the benevolence of
the Official Left, lakhs of landless today live in some 16,000-20,000
official or unofficial ghettoised 'harijan' colonies! Besides, tens of
thousands more live in huts beside roads, canals, and other unoccupied
marginal land – visible to anyone traveling in Kerala. The same government
that talks about legal niceties when it comes to the struggling dalits in
Chengara, also issues a special govt. order defying a high court order of
eviction in Kozhikode when they think that their vote bank is under threat.
The question here is not of legality, but of sheer opportunism and
anti-working class politics of the social-fascist CPI(M) which is today the
custodian of feudal-imperial interests.

*In 2001, when the adivasis led a 48 days agitation, they were denied land*.
Six years later, when the landless – Dalits, Dalit Christians, Muslims, and
others– have come together to struggle for land in Chengara, the same CPI(M)
said that they are land owners! This well-calculated opportunism by CPI(M)
is not difficult to understand. In effect their government says that there
are no landless people in Kerala. That is, it does not accept that those of
live in Harijan colonies, One-Lakh Houses, by the roadside, and so on are
landless. This is the true 'achievement' of the so called land reforms in
Kerala. To make matters worse, the CPI(M)-led Kerala govt. has recently
placed a bill with the objective of doing away with land ceiling altogether.
Another draft legislation prepared by the ruling Party, yet to be presented
before the Assembly but modeled on the World Bank-IMF dictated New
Agricultural Policy, aims at promoting contract farming and reintroducing
the leasing of agricultural land. This proposal to remove land ceiling from
the land reform legislations is tantamount to facilitate the unhindered
landlordism of corporates. Likewise, contract farming will bring back
tenancy, and more importantly, `reverse tenancy', in which big farmers lease
land from small and marginal farmers. It will help big companies, driven
only by short-term profit motives, to introduce corporate farming in a big
way. The small farmers will either become laborers in their own land or will
be alienated from agriculture itself.

*The landless dalits and adivasis have become the focal point of a struggle
like Chengara.*By ignoring them, and conveniently picking out the adivasis,
the CPI(M)-led Kerala government is shrewdly trying to diffuse the agitation
building up at Chengara. Moreover, CPI(M) is trying to propagate the lie
that the struggling people in Chengara are 'landowners' themselves! Such
vicious slandering is being consciously employed to undercut this genuine
struggle. Shameless fabrications and imaginative lies by the CPI(M) of this
kind are abound, which can even make Hitler's propaganda mastermind Goebbles
turn in his grave! The CPI(M) State Secretary Pinarayi Vijayan, for example
alleged that "There were authentic reports on the role of U.S. espionage
agencies also playing a role at Chengara and the agitation was an attempt to
grab land… The backing given to the Chengara agitation was part of a U.S
game plan to defame Left governments in India"! He also added that the U.S.
is trying to avenge the strong opposition registered by the Left parties
against the Indo-U.S. nuclear deal. Not surprisingly, even the Kerala Chief
Minister has lent his support to such bizarre claims.

The ruling CPI(M) has unleashed its affiliated trade unions against the
struggling people of Chengara, a similar pattern which was also followed in
Nandigram when it used the notorious Harmad mercenaries against the fighting
peasants. Like in Nandigram, threats, assault, rape and blockade is
continuously used against dalits and adivasis to suppress the Chengara land
struggle.*These goons of CPI(M) has now given an ultimatum to them to vacate
the site of struggle -Harisson Malayalam plantation- within ten days, after
which force will be used to evict the protesting people. The need of the
hour is that we stand in solidarity with the Chengara struggle –a struggle
for land, dignity and justice, and defeat the social-fascist CPI(M) once
again. *The CPI(M) and its stooges in the campus, who still thinks that
people's struggles can be suppressed by unleashing fascist terror-tactics
should remember Nandigram. For history does not forgive those who forgets
their history

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