Dear All Jai Bhim,

Here is very shocking and really horrible news......
Humiliation of  Dr. B.R.Amedkar' s Statue in Parliament.

                  On 14th April,2009 we went Parliament to attend
programme,118th Birth anniversary of  Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. At 12 o'clock we
found that there is no mention of 'Constitution of India' on Statue of
Dr.B.R.Ambedkars Statue(Book in hand of Ambedkar).Everyone got angry as it
was insult to Ambedkarites and specifically on 14th April where recently PM
Manmohan Singh,Avani attended program .

More shocking the same mistake was observed last year program.

                       We odd-300 people agitated for more than 4
hours for proper
painitng and sincere apology from Manuvadis.Within 4 hours of agitations no
senior officials came instead security tried to dither the mob.But every
ambedkarite was very much determined,we firmly told them that we want
immediate action otherwise we will suicide.
But still no one came and not took matter seroiusly(Suprisingly Meera
Kumar,Social Welfare Minister is SC)
                      At around 4 o'clock parliament security called Rapid
Action Force and made round around the mob one security officer Sethi
threatened to take back agitation otherwise face dire consequences pointing
to RAP. Even one inspector Muktiar threatened to shoot at sight.Still we
were very much determined one slit his wrist and threatened to suicide but
then they went on rampage abusing lady agitators.We continued agiatation
inside and outside parliament.Every ambedkarite got injured badly but
Manuvadi police,security, RAP continued assailing.Finally they brutally
thrashed every peaceful Ambedkarite by using thousands of security and RAP.
                     We were very disabled as they took our mobiles earlier
due to security reasons.Even Doordarshan office was very near but no one
came. And this way our agitation failed to teach lesson to Manuvadis.Not
even single word was mentioned in any Manuvadi Newspaper,TV channel about
the whole incident.
                    Its matter of our dignity and not just the word
'Constitution of India'-it gives us right,respect and satisfies baba
movement for Liberty,Equality, Fraternity. BJP,Congress did lot of reviews
to change constitution Now they are planning to change whole history and
started it from Parliament.
                  We strongly hope that we will keep our agitation against
Manuvadis.We need to highlight such issues and also need to form proper
                 Its request you to forward this news to as many Bahujans as
possible and also highlight the same in our medias.

Kishor Khare
New Delhi

" The so called caste-hindus are bitterly opposed to the depressed class
using a public tank not because they really believe that the water will be
thereby spoiled or will evaporate but because they are afraid of losing
their superiority of caste and of equality being established between the
former and the latter. We are resorting to this satyagraha not becasue we
believe that the water of this particular tank has any exceptional
qualities, but to establish our natural rights as citizens and human

- Dr B.R. Ambedkar, Mahad Satyagraha Conference, December 25th , 1927


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