Stealing the Iranian Election <>

Saturday 13 June 2009

by: Juan Cole  |  Visit article original @ *Informed

    Top Pieces of Evidence that the Iranian Presidential Election Was Stolen

    1. It is claimed that Ahmadinejad won the city of Tabriz with 57%. His
main opponent, Mir Hossein Mousavi, is an Azeri from Azerbaijan province, of
which Tabriz is the capital. Mousavi, according to such polls as exist in
Iran and widespread anecdotal evidence, did better in cities and is popular
in Azerbaijan. Certainly, his rallies there were very well
So for an Azeri urban center to go so heavily for Ahmadinejad just makes no
sense. In past elections, Azeris voted disproportionately for even minor
hailed from that province.

    2. Ahmadinejad is claimed to have taken Tehran by over 50%. Again, he is
not popular in the cities, even, as he claims, in the poor neighborhoods, in
part because his policies have produced high inflation and high
unemployment. That he should have won Tehran is so unlikely as to raise real
questions about these numbers. [Ahmadinejad is widely thought only to have
won Tehran in 2005 because the pro-reform groups were discouraged and stayed
home rather than voting.)

    3. It is claimed that cleric Mehdi Karoubi, the other reformist
candidate, received 320,000 votes, and that he did poorly in Iran's western
provinces, even losing in
He is a Lur and is popular in the west, including in Kurdistan. Karoubi
received 17 percent of the vote in the first round of presidential elections
in 2005. While it is possible that his support has substantially declined
since then, it is hard to believe that he would get less than one percent of
the vote. Moreover, he should have at least done well in the west, which he
did not.

    4. Mohsen Rezaie, who polled very badly and seems not to have been at
all popular, is alleged to have received 670,000 votes, twice as much as

    5. Ahmadinejad's numbers were fairly standard across Iran's provinces.
In past elections there have been substantial ethnic and provincial

    6. The Electoral Commission is supposed to wait three days before
certifying the results of the election, at which point they are to inform
Khamenei of the results, and he signs off on the process. The three-day
delay is intended to allow charges of irregularities to be adjudicated. In
this case, Khamenei immediately approved the alleged results.

    I am aware of the difficulties of catching history on the run. Some
explanation may emerge for Ahmadinejad's upset that does not involve fraud.
For instance, it is possible that he has gotten the credit for spreading
around a lot of oil money in the form of favors to his constituencies, but
somehow managed to escape the blame for the resultant high inflation.

    But just as a first reaction, this post-election situation looks to me
like a crime scene. And here is how I would reconstruct the crime.

    As the real numbers started coming into the Interior Ministry late on
Friday, it became clear that Mousavi was winning. Mousavi's spokesman
abroad, filmmaker Mohsen Makhbalbaf,
the ministry even contacted Mousavi's camp and said it would begin preparing
the population for this victory. The ministry must have informed Supreme
Leader Ali Khamenei, who has had a feud with Mousavi for over 30 years, who
found this outcome unsupportable. And, apparently, he and other top leaders
had been so confident of an Ahmadinejad win that they had made no
contingency plans for what to do if he looked as though he would lose.

    They therefore sent blanket instructions to the Electoral Commission to
falsify the vote counts.

    This clumsy cover-up then produced the incredible result of an
Ahmadinejad landlside in Tabriz and Isfahan and Tehran.

    The reason for which Rezaie and Karoubi had to be assigned such
implausibly low totals was to make sure Ahmadinejad got over 51% of the vote
and thus avoid a run-off between him and Mousavi next Friday, which would
have given the Mousavi camp a chance to attempt to rally the public and
forestall further tampering with the election.

    This scenario accounts for all known anomalies and is consistent with
what we know of the major players.

    More in my column, just out, in<>:
"Ahmadinejad reelected under cloud of fraud," where I argue that the outcome
of the presidential elections does not and should not affect Obama's
policies toward that country - they are the right policies and should be
followed through on regardless.

    The public demonstrations against the result don't appear to be that
big. In the past decade, reformers have always backed down in Iran when
challenged by hardliners, in part because no one wants to relive the
horrible Great Terror of the 1980s after the revolution, when
faction-fighting produced blood in the streets. Mousavi is still from that

    My own guess is that you have to get a leadership born after the
revolution, who does not remember it and its sanguinary aftermath, before
you get people willing to push back hard against the rightwingers.

    So, there are protests against an allegedly stolen election. The Basij
paramilitary thugs and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards will break some
heads. Unless there has been a sea change in Iran, the theocrats may well
get away with this soft coup for the moment. But the regime's legitimacy
will take a critical hit, and its ultimate demise may have been hastened,
over the next decade or two.

    What I've said is full of speculation and informed guesses. I'd be glad
to be proved wrong on several of these points. Maybe I will be.

    PS: Here's the data:

    So here is what Interior Minister Sadeq Mahsouli said Saturday about the
outcome of the Iranian

    "Of 39,165,191 votes counted (85 percent), Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won the
election with 24,527,516 (62.63 percent)."

    He announced that Mir-Hossein Mousavi came in second with 13,216,411
votes (33.75 percent).

    Mohsen Rezaei got 678,240 votes (1.73 percent)

    Mehdi Karroubi with 333,635 votes (0.85 percent).

    He put the void ballots at 409,389 (1.04 percent).

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